Help Beavers Thrive in Oregon

Please join us in supporting Oregon House Bill 2843, the legislative proposal to close recreational and commercial trapping of beavers on federally-managed public lands. Beavers provide important habitat restoration functions that help mitigate the damages of pesticide pollution and climate change for salmon and other endangered species. This is the first critical hurdle that must be crossed if HB 2843, and Oregon’s streams and human and wild communities, have a chance of benefiting from the many water and habitat-related benefits of beavers. Note that the information on this page comes from Suzanne Fouty, Ph.D., hydrologist/soils specialist and retired Forest Service. Read More & Take Action

Urge EPA to Ban Chlorpyrifos

Thank you for your interest. The comment period has closed. Chlorpyrifos belongs to a nerve-agent class of pesticides called organophosphates that are associated with human health impacts. Of particular concern are neurodevelopmental harms in children and increased toxicological effects for farm workers due to frequent or prolonged exposure. It is a serious factor in the decline of endangered salmon. In the EPA's proposed interim registration review decision, the agency is proposing to allow numerous uses of chlorpyrifos to continue, thereby prolonging harmful exposure to children, farm workers, endangered species, and the environment. Tell the EPA you want chlorpyrifos banned! Read More & Take Action

Protect Idahoans from Pesticides

Thank you for your interest. The comment period is closed. The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is taking public comments until October 7th at 5 p.m. on proposed rules that we support in part, but that also roll back some pesticide protections. Tell them you want stronger language to protect hazard areas – including schools, hospitals and rural towns – from the most harmful pesticides. Thank you to the 100+ Idahoans who have already submitted comments! Read More & Take Action

Ban Chlorpyrifos in Oregon

Thank you for your interest. The comment period is closed. Oregon Department of Agriculture is taking public comments until October 22nd at 5 p.m. on proposed rules that would restrict chlorpyrifos. Tell them you want a full ban. Thank you to the 100+ NCAP supporters who have already submitted comments! If you haven't commented, there is still time before October 22. Información sobre cómo comentar en español aquí. Read More & Take Action

Highlights from the 2020 Legislative Session

NCAP works to protect community and environmental health through important policy campaigns in our region. Here's a summary of our policy efforts in the 2020 legislative session. Read More & Take Action